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Michelle Kennedy

HOW TO DECORATE- Tip# 1 (Declutter)

Updated: Sep 27, 2024

When beginning to decorate your space, the first thing you need to do is declutter. Sounds obvious, right? You’d be surprised how many folks don’t do this before decorating their space and then they end up not understanding why they don’t like their surroundings! Your space should start out minimal- free of everything, but the basics. If you can start out with a completely blank room, all the better. Once you have a blank canvas, it’s much easier to fill it up and fill it in with things you truly love. There is a wonderful book called “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of DeCluttering and Organizing” by Marie Kondo that is a great reference on how to declutter.

My recommendation is, if you don’t love it- leave it out, OR better yet, change it! And by changing it, I mean mean you can “reface” it. You don’t always have to replace an item to make it work. Some of the most treasured pieces in a home can be ones that you were ready to discard, but refinished or refurbished and up-cycled into something new or moved into a different room. Sometimes, you just gotta “think outside the box” when renovating your space.

So here you have it. My first “how to” to decorate your space. Start with decluttering and the rest will be able to easily fall into place. Stay tuned for more “How To’s. If you like what you’ve read, please “share” this page with others!

If you aren’t good at decluttering or don’t know where to start, don’t have the time or just plain don’t like to do it, give me a call! I LOVE to organize and can help you declutter in no-time.


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